big web auction

Pokemon card game starter pack

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Current Price

3,000 yen

Start Price

3,000 yen

Your Maximum Bid

0 yen

Final Item Price (may be displayed as 0 if not the winning bidder)

0 yen

No. of Bids


No. of Watchers


Time Left


Start Time

2013/12/30 00:00:00

End Time

2014/01/09 22:00:00

2014/01/09 05:00:00

Item Number


Auction Style


Bid Increments [Info]

500 yen

Bidding has ended

Item's Details

(item number) 9544
(title) Pokemon card game starter pack
(starting bid price) 3,000 yen

Please understand that all items are second handed. There might be unnoticed damage on the items. All sales are final. We do not accept returns & exchanges nor any complaints about the item condition after sales. If you have any question, please e-mail us at

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