big web auction

MTG Shahrazad [Arabian Nights]

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Current Price

72,000 yen

Start Price

72,000 yen

Your Maximum Bid

0 yen

Final Item Price (may be displayed as 0 if not the winning bidder)

0 yen

No. of Bids


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Time Left


Start Time

2022/10/15 00:00:00

Live Time

2022/11/05 21:46:34

2022/11/05 05:46:34

Item Number


Auction Style


Bid Increments [Info]

1,000 yen

Bidding has ended

Item's Details

(item number) 5010
(title) MTG Shahrazad [Arabian Nights]
(maker) Wizards
(size) 63×88mm
(condition) EX(7)
(starting bid price) 72,000 yen

(comment) A unique text that uses a 2-mana white spell to play 1 game (sub-game) with the current deck, and the player who loses the game loses half their life. If you play this card again during the subgame, the subgame of the subgame will start in an interesting development

Translation is done by machine translator.

Item Information

Size (Package Size)
88 mm × 63 mm × 1 mm
2 g

About Item Conditions

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