big web auction

Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water cel

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With warranty


Cel stuck, paper stuck

Current Price

34,000 yen

Start Price

15,000 yen

Your Maximum Bid

0 yen

Final Item Price (may be displayed as 0 if not the winning bidder)

0 yen

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Start Time

2024/06/15 15:00:00

Live Time

2024/07/04 20:00:00

2024/07/04 04:00:00

Item Number


Auction Style


Bid Increments [Info]

1,000 yen

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Item's Details

(item number) 2156
(title) Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water cel
(size) 239×269mm
(Character) Jean/Nadia
(condition) 7
(detailed) Cel stuck, paper stuck
(cell number) B2,C2
(starting bid price) 15,000 yen

(comment) In the second half of the 30th episode "The Underground Maze", when I entered a cave I found on the island, I was surprised by the unusual artificial interior of Nadia and Jan. This is one of the episodes of the so-called "Island Edition", but in the "Island Edition", where the level of animation collapse was high due to outsourcing, due to the important number of episodes that serve as a secret hint for the island, the original animation members are the main points of Gainax works that also participate in Eva, and Honda Yu is the animation director, and it is also a highlight that Nadia is more cute than usual.

Translation is done by machine translator.

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