
TBS anti-hero 8 Script

  • Item's picture
Item's picture


7 Parallel

Current Price

6,000 yen

Start Price

2,000 yen

Your Maximum Bid

0 yen

Final Item Price (may be displayed as 0 if not the winning bidder)

0 yen

No. of Bids


No. of Watchers


Time Left


Start Time

2024/07/23 19:00:00

End Time

2024/07/30 21:00:00

2024/07/30 05:00:00

Item Number


Auction Style


Bid Increments [Info]

500 yen

Bidding has ended

Item's Details

Screenplay: Nana Yamamoto, Hayato Miyamoto, Lee Jung-mi, Teppei Fukuda Cast: Hiroki Hasegawa, Takumi Kitamura, Mayu Hotta, Yuko Oshima
※Please note that this is a used item and may have some Thank you for understandings or stained. ※ Please note that the actual item may differ somewhat from the picture. ※ The title, subtitle, episode number, etc. listed in Script may be changed at the time of broadcast or screening. Thank you for understanding.

Translation is done by machine translator.

Item Information

Size (Package Size)
245 mm × 176 mm × 7 mm
230 g

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