big web auction

Megumi Yasu's Hand Signed Book "Secret"

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Current Price

3,500 yen

Start Price

1,000 yen

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0 yen

Final Item Price (may be displayed as 0 if not the winning bidder)

0 yen

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Start Time

2024/08/15 15:00:00

Live Time

2024/09/02 21:38:57

2024/09/02 05:38:57

Item Number


Auction Style


Bid Increments [Info]

500 yen

Bidding has ended

Item's Details

(item number) 9249
(title) Megumi Yasu's Hand Signed Book "Secret"
(author) Photo: Hirohiko Taniguchi
(maker) Kodansha
(the date of issue) 2010 (H22) 11.26. First print
(size) 235×305mm
(sheets) 100P
(side note) Top made
(condition) 7
(starting bid price) 1,000 yen

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